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Making Magic

Writer's picture: lpommierlpommier

Although it’s fun and lighthearted, I believe I’ve received more questions about my latest mural than any other. It could be because I was in the direct path of busy outdoor shoppers and dining folks in Sarasota, Florida. Yet I think these three characters manage to fuel the imaginations of passer-byes.

It all started when I received an email from the UTC Mall asking if I would be interested in producing a mural on a panel that is repainted every two months, therefore being a “rotating art space”. Noting that many of Sarasota’s top mural artists had participated I was totally on-board. Besides, knowing your art is only going to be around for two months is rather liberating!

While there were a few directions I was leaning toward, this idea was my first and final choice. I have been enjoying the art of my nine-year-old granddaughter who has embraced anime and of course I am her biggest fan. She inspired me to do a quick animated sketch of all three of my grandchildren. The concept sprung from the notion that at this point in their lives they remind me very much of the three kids in the story of Peter Pan. This little thumbnail sketch got the imagery going.

It wasn’t long before I had mashed together several details to add up to an original composition. Framed by golden wings (Tinkerbell), the Wendy character’s dress sports a Peter Pan collar. Also being like my granddaughter, she goes nowhere without her art supplies. To the left is John, who is now a SW Florida swimmer boy, decked in sailing colors and flipper feet. Flipper feet appear in many of my studio paintings. Finally Michael, the pj’d baby, stares in astonishment at whatever the other two think is hilarious or humorous. His little bandana scarf harkens to days past and present, of the dangers three little children might encounter in their search for magic.


John Dedo Cristina
John Dedo Cristina
May 26, 2022

Your art is wonderful and joyous and so is this creation story.

May 26, 2022
Replying to

I’m so happy my work brings joy and sharing the back story is sometimes part of the process, as you would know! A smile and nod often comes to me when viewing your pieces and always amazement! Thank you!

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